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New members join the scientific advisory board

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The scientific advisory board of the Modellfabrik Papier has new members

Innovations are the most important driver of transformation. This also applies to the paper industry. The Modellfabrik Papier, a non-profit research institution funded by 24 shareholders, relies on the open innovation approach. It’s aim is to build a bridge between industry and science. Thereby bringing together expertise and strengthening innovation processes. In the governance structure of Modellfabrik Papier, the Scientific Advisory Board, as the counterpart to the Shareholders Committee, reflects the concern to interlink the know-how from research and development of paper manufacturers with current research work in science. The committee was recently re-staffed.

Prof. Thomas Gries, head of the Institute of Textile Technology (ITA) at RWTH Aachen University, is succeeded by Dr. Christian Möbitz, head of the Nonwoven Technologies division at the ITA. “Paper and nonwovens are two process worlds that complement each other synergistically,” explains Möbitz. Through their different technologies, they can learn from each other and benefit from each other. This will sustainably strengthen the ecological development of both industries.

Prof. Markus Biesalski, head of the Institute for Macromolecular and Paper Chemistry (MAP) at the Technical University of Darmstadt, was confirmed as chairman. With Dr. Thorsten Voß, CEO of the Paper Technology Foundation PTS, and Prof. Isabel Kuperjans, managing director of the NOWUM-Energy Institute at the University of Applied Sciences Aachen, the deputy chairmanship was broadened.

Permanent guest strengthens the advisory board

To reflect the entire German research landscape of paper and fiber-based paper production, Prof. Jürgen Belle, Professor of Process Engineering for Paper and Cardboard Production at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich, has been invited tot he board as permanent guest.

Advisory board reflects research landscape

Now eight leading institutes are active in the Scientific Advisory Board. They combine expertise from different disciplines across the field, reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of industrial paper production. The research fields range from recyclable bio-economy to process engineering, digitization and resource-efficient energy systems.

The task of the advisory board is to provide targeted support for the research activities in the various focus areas and working groups. It advises on all relevant technical topics and ensures an efficient transfer of knowledge within the governance structures of the model factory. This enables strategic decisions to be made more quickly.

The Modellfabrik Papier brings together two worlds, industry and science. The combination of different fields of expertise drives innovation and helps to shape the future.

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