Office time:

Museum dialogue with the MFP

Gruppenbild auf Peter Bekaert, Laura Albrig und Dr. Dominic Laaf der Modellfabrik Papier und Winfried Kranz-Pitre Geschäftsführer der WIN.DN in Düren beim Museumsdialog im Papiermuseum Düren mit der Modellfabrik Papier (MFP).
MFP News

The MFP visits the Düren Paper Museum

A museum dialogue on the Modellfabrik Papier took place for the sixth time at the Papiermuseum Düren.

Managing Director Peter Bekaert took over the moderation and allowed two of his new employees to present the milestones that Modellfabrik Papier has achieved so far.

Laura Albring spoke about “What has happened so far…” and then handed over the microphone to Dr Dominic Laaf, who explained MFP’s research project to the large audience.

Winfried Kranz-Pitre from WIN.DN rounded off the presentation with the current status of the new building at the Innovations Quartier Düren.

In the concluding Q&A session, the speakers answered all the questions from the engaged audience.

Once again, the museum dialogue of the Papiermuseum Düren could be followed live on YouTube. Anyone who was unable to attend live can now watch the event on the Paper Museum’s YouTube channel.

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