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Modellfabrik Papier new member of the Zuse Foundation

Dr. Jacqueline Lemm (rechts), Mitglied des Präsidiums der Zuse-Gemeinschaft, übergibt die Plakette für Neumitglieder an Peter Bekaert, Geschäftsführer der Modellfabrik Papier.
MFP Net, MFP News

Modellfabrik Papier has joined the German Industrial Research Foundation Konrad Zuse e.V. (Zuse Foundation for short). Themed “research that matters”, the association represents more than 80 non-university research institutes throughout Germany. Dr Jacqueline Lemm, a member of the executive committee, presented the membership plaque to Peter Bekaert, managing director of Modellfabrik Papier.

From energy transition to circular economy and bioeconomy: the Zuse Foundation advocates for the interests of independent, non-profit, industry-oriented research institutes in Germany. The network, which is open to all technologies and sectors, includes round about three quarters of all non-university research institutions in Germany. In contrast to what the organization’s namesake Konrad Zuse – Germany’s well-known computer pioneer and creator of the first freely programmable computer – might suggest: The research fields of the member institutes are broadly diversified, the focus being set on transfer to industry.

“Research that matters”

Successful innovations require foresight, out-of-the-box thinking and solid research findings. The Zuse Foundation’s mission statement “research that matters” is also a guiding principle for the Modellfabrik Papier: “Tomorrow’s industrial paper production needs innovative, applicable technologies today to drive transformation forward”, says Managing Director Peter Bekaert. “To achieve this, we rely on collaborative work in close cooperation between research and industry. In order to successfully upscale research results and transfer them into application, strong advocates towards politics and funding frameworks are needed to enable faster action and thus greater impact.”

Transformation can only succeed, if solutions from research find their way into industry – thus science becoming an economic factor.

“That’s why we, as a young research institution in the Zuse Foundation, are pleased to have a strong partner in the debate on research development in Germany and to stay on top of current research topics”, says Bekaert. “We are happy to contribute our know-how in the areas of paper production, energy saving, sustainability, CO2 balancing and digitization.”

Zuse Foundation welcomes new member

“With its objectives and concerns, Modellfabrik Papier is an excellent fit for the Zuse Foundation. We are very pleased to see our institutes‘ research range enriched and to welcome another strong contributor to our ranks”, says Professor Martin Bastian, President of the Zuse Foundation, welcoming the new member. “The transformation that is so vital for our society cannot be achieved by the industry alone”, says Bastian, underlining the importance of industrial research for Germany as a centre of science and business. Achieving far-reaching change requires a long-term approach and resources that enable out-of-the-box thinking. “Innovations are important pillars of economic growth in our country. The creativity of industrial research and thus innovations and transfer from science to industry are more important today than ever.”

A strong voice for transfer- and innovation-oriented industrial research

A good three quarters of all non-university, non-profit, private-sector research institutions belong to the Zuse Foundation. More than eighty research institutes throughout Germany are members. According to the Zuse Foundation, the financial volume now exceeds half a billion euros, and the number of employees has risen to a good 6,000. The association sees itself as the third pillar of the German research landscape, alongside the research foundations of the Fraunhofer and Max Planck Societies, the Helmholtz and Leibniz Associations, and the universities. Its goals are to accelerate industry-related research and technology transfer, to represent its members in the political arena and to improve competitiveness, in particular through equal access to funding programmes.

Dr Jacqueline Lemm (right), member of the executive board of the Zuse Foundation and director of TFI – Institut für Bodensysteme at RWTH Aachen e.V., presents the plaque for new members to Peter Bekaert, managing director of Modellfabrik Papier. In the lab, MFP’s scientist Laura Beust (middle) explains her research work.

(c) MFP

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