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Forschungscluster Modellfabrik Papier (FOMOP): first results

Netzwerken zwischen Wissenschaftlern, Zuhörern und Gesellschaftern der Modellfabrik Papier auf einer Veranstaltung zum Forschungscluster Modellfabrik Papier (FOMOP).

Forschungscluster Modellfabrik Papier (FOMOP): Scientists present the first results within the BMBF-funded project on the way to climate-neutral paper production.

The joint project FOMOP (FOrschungscluster MOdellfabrik Papier), funded by the BMBF with almost EUR 11 million, is researching disruptive and innovative concepts that will make a significant contribution to a sustainable, climate-neutral paper industry in Germany and beyond. The first promising results have already been achieved in this early phase, showing that a path has been taken to achieve the ambitious goals: The vision is climate-neutral paper production by 2045, reducing the energy requirements of paper production by 80%. These ambitions can become reality with the Triple Helix of science, industry and politics.

From 31.01.2024 to 01.02.2024, the first status meeting of all scientific partners and the project advisory board from industry took place at TU Darmstadt. Just five months after the start of the project, everyone involved was delighted with the exceptionally successful start: A large part of the interdisciplinary research team is already intensively involved, while the active scientific exchange is being accelerated by the participation of experts from industry.

The first day focused on the results reports by the eight partners in front of more than 70 people from science, industry, and Project Management Jülich (PTJ). In an exciting program, the goals and initial results were presented by scientific staff from the individual research areas. The latter range from new concepts for innovative raw materials and new energy-saving processes in paper production in aqueous and non-aqueous media to the consideration of these new concepts regarding energy and material life cycle balances. Characterized by lively discussions, valuable feedback and an atmosphere characterized by drive and a spirit of cooperation, the Model Factory Paper (FOMOP) research cluster is setting new standards in the paper industry in terms of cooperativeness and the combination of different disciplines.

In addition to the fundamental scientific challenges, potential applications were also considered with a view to subsequent transfer back to industry. The broad expertise and different perspectives of the participants from the fields of mechanical/plant engineering, paper production through to suppliers and equipment companies were enormously valuable. The scientific teams, some of them young, are only at the beginning of an exciting journey. Therefore, the focus of the second day was on the organization of operational cooperation and team building. Details of the scientific work were agreed on site in in-depth group discussions and the next steps were planned together.

The team is 100% motivated to take on the challenges and push the boundaries of what is possible. Together, the aim is to transform the paper industry and make a significant contribution to climate protection. Everyone involved is looking forward to the further milestones that will be achieved together soon.

If you are interested and for further details on the project and the paper model factory, please contact the team at

Fotos: @MFP

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