Office time:

Modellfabrik Papier

”We are shaping the future of paper!”

As a father of two young children growing up in a rapidly changing world, it is important to me to be able to contribute to a sustainable world with the disruptive and innovative approaches of the Modellfabrik Papier.

Peter Bekaert

Managing Director

For more information:

„A healthy mix of tradition, innovation and change.”

The networking of previously untouched sectors supports the paper industry’s ways of thinking, such as the circular economy and continuous (energy) improvement. I am thus contributing to the future viability of my home in Düren, the Rhenish mining area and the entire industry.

Dr. Dominic Laaf

Manager Corporate Liaison

For more information:

„The goals of the Modellfabrik Papier are particular and outstanding.”

My job as associate for scientific network helps me to promote our company in different international scientific institutions and build a network of researchers that are willing to contribute to reaching our objectives. Because, I believe that it is important to put our competitive behavior aside and work together to lead the way for sustainable paper production.

Dr. Jihène Jamil Jerbi

Associate for scientific networking

For more information:

"We take paper for granted. Should we really?"

Printing paper, exercise books, parking tickets, cardboard boxes: Paper is an integral part of our everyday lives. Our consumption is increasing – despite advancing digitalisation. But what do we know about the highly complex production of paper? Our research work is driving the green transformation of a truly high-tech product. We show you how paper can be done differently.

Kira Crome

Press and public relations

For more information:

An ambitious goal needs a
competent network

Scientific advisory board

Active and well-founded cooperation of renowned institutes from all relevant areas of paper production

Shareholders' Committee

A strong base with shareholders from traditional and innovative applications as well as their suppliers

-Modellfabrik Papier-
We take the future into our own hands!

Construction of the factory

A new factory building adapted to the research mission

Basic framework

Consortium of industry, institutes, research and associations


The paper industry with a rich history and knowhow


Pre-competitive research on CO2 -neutrality, energy efficiency


Create solutions that are essential for future paper production


This is the place where long-term step change and sustainable disruption becomes possible

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Persons involved

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Companies involved



Our partners

Cooperative support and networking as a basis for holistic solutions and innovative approaches

The Modellfabrik Papier
at a glance

We have planned a lot! It is not easy to summarise our project in one message. That is exactly why we are very proud of our logo, which fulfils this task and conveys our core attributes in an expressive way:

The colour blue is an expression of innovation and dynamism. At the same time, both the paper roll and the first letter of the word paper can be found here. The colour green as a symbol of nature and sustainability complements these attributes in line with our vision. Here, our core attributes are connected not only by the colours, but also by the symbolism. If you look closely, you will discover the ”i” as the first letter of the word ”innovation”.

Step by step into the future

Q2 2021

Kick-off of the 1st research programme

Kick-off of the 1st research program

Q1 2021

1st shareholders’ meeting

1st shareholders’ meeting of the gGmbH: Adoption of the first research programme

Q4 2020

Foundation of MFP gGmbH

Foundation of the ”Modellfabrik Papier gGmbH” as a supporting company with 15 shareholders

Q3 2020

Decision for Düren as location

Consortium decides in favor of Düren as the future location of the Modellfabrik Papier

Q1 2020

Application for the location of Düren

Application of the city of Düren as the location of a new research facility to be built

Q3 2019

Stakeholder workshop

Stakeholder workshop to define the cornerstones for the development of the Modellfabrik Papier

Q3 2018

Birth of the working group

Meeting of several companies from the paper industry, TU Darmstadt and PTS: Birth of the working group

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