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Activities in the Rhenish district

Ansicht vom Hambacher Tagebau im Rheinischen Revier vom Aussichtspunkt Terra Nova.

After six months of networking work on behalf of the MFP, it can be reported that numerous initiatives, projects and ideas are “sprouting from the ground” in the Rhenish district. The analogy to the plant world is very much intended here, as the use of fossil fuels (lignite) must be transformed into renewable and therefore plant-based raw materials.

The city and district of Düren and the MFP are almost centrally located in the Rhenish mining district. This makes it an excellent starting point for gaining an overview of the various starting points and (solution) building blocks. Without going into specific content at this stage, I would nevertheless like to share my general perception of the behaviour of the stakeholders involved.

The basic prerequisite for a successful transformation should be an open-minded, mindful and reflective way of thinking in order to live a “long-term responsible use of a resource” (definition of sustainability according to Hans Carl von Carlowitz, 1713). This maxim clearly manifests itself when topics such as the circular economy (bioeconomy), 5 R’s (Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle) and green energy supply come to the fore.

The collaborative approach and transparent objectives have been created. We need to maintain focus & persistence and have the courage to continue to break down possible pillar thinking through transparent exchange – this applies to the level of individuals, companies and regions. Further enhancement could be achieved if the relationships and dependencies of the initiatives and projects are worked out. It remains to be seen what role we as MFP will play in this – we’ll keep you posted.

Author: Dr. Dominic Laaf

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