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Drivers of innovation:
Unser Our Scientific Advisory Board

Pre-competitive basic research to develop disruptive and scalable technologies is our mission. With the support and collaboration of seven renowned scientific institutes from Germany, the Modellfabrik Papier already has a strong foundation to achieve this goal.

”With the open innovation approach of the Modellfabrik Papier, the aim is to bridge the gap between research and industry, sustainability and decarbonisation. I am particularly pleased that the Modellfabrik Papier has a very strong interdisciplinary and competent scientific base.”
Dr. Markus Wildberger
Chairman of the Shareholders' Committee
Portraitbild von Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski dem Institutsleiter der MAP und Vorsitzendem des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier.

Prof. Dr. Markus Biesalski

Institute Director MAP

“The Modellfabrik Papier has the potential to set milestones on the way to climate-neutral paper production and thus play an important role nationally and internationally as an active building block in the implementation of the bioeconomy strategy.

Portraitbild von Dr. Thorsten Voß Vorstand der PTS und Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier.

Dr. Thorsten Voß

Board member

The paper industry is in the midst of a profound transformation, driven by a growing awareness of environmental issues. By integrating circular concepts, increasing the use of renewable resources and developing innovative, environmentally friendly packaging solutions, it is actively contributing to the global agenda for environmental protection and sustainability. Modellfabrik Papier and its partners play a crucial role in this and make important contributions to the promotion of climate-neutral paper production, which is driving the transformation in the industry.”

Portraitbild von Prof. Dr. Isabel Kuperjans Geschäftsführende Direktorin der FH Aachen und Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier.

Prof. Dr. Isabel Kuperjans

Executive Director

“From a thermodynamic point of view, the paper process offers fascinating combination possibilities for the provision of heat, electricity, water and raw material requirements. Together with my team, I am contributing to making paper production climate-neutral by working on the work package “Resource management with a focus on energy systems“.

RWTH Aachen

Portraitbild von Dr. Christian Möbitz dem Bereichsleiter Nonwoven Technologies bei der RWTH Aachen und Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier.

Dr. Christian Möbitz

Head of Nonwoven Technologies

Paper and nonwovens are platform technologies for economic and ecological transformation. The process worlds complement each other synergistically and can learn and benefit from each other through their different technologies. The cooperation between the research centres and shareholders of Modellfabrik Papier in Düren is inspiring and sustainably strengthens the ecological development of both industries.”

Forschungszentrum Jülich

Portraitbild von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr Geschäftsführende Institutsleiter IBG-2 des Forschungszentrums Jülich und Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier.

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Schurr

Institute Director IBG-2

“The paper industry is an essential part of the bioeconomy. I would like to strengthen the connection of the paper industry of the future with other sectors of the bioeconomy in the Modellfabrik Papier – regionally in the structural change, but also supraregionally with new raw materials, technologies and circular approaches.

Portraitbild von Prof. Dr. Samuel Schabel Fachgebietsleiter PMV und Mitglied des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats der Modellfabrik Papier (MFP).

Prof. Dr. Samuel Schabel

Head of department PMV

“The Modellfabrik Papier is very close to my heart, and I have supported the project since the first ideas and concept proposals. The Modellfabrik Papier can lay the foundations for the sustainable paper production of the future. I want to be part of that.

Technische Universität Dresden

Prof. Dr. Frank Miletzky

Honorary professor

”Future through progress. Progress through technology. Technology with responsibility. I want to ensure that the innovations and disruptive ideas developed by the Modellfabrik Papier are considered in the overall system of the paper industry and successfully implemented.

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